Part V – Payment and commission
To withdraw your commission from Ecomobi, you need to log in first.
Step 1: To make a withdrawal, click on the menu and select ”Payment”
Step 2: In the Payment/My Revenue section, you will see the amount that you can withdraw
Click ”Withdraw” to make payment
In addition, Influencers can be able to view their payment history.
Payment mechanism |
Time of Payment
100% payment | Accordingly newest update of payout rule, the “ting ting” date will be fixed monthly as follows:
Advance payment |
How to calculate Estimate Commission:
Every platform and product has a different commission rate. It is crucial for Influencers to understand their benefits when joining Ecomobi’s Affiliate Program. Click here to see the detailed commission rates of our partners.
The Terms:
- The Ranks and Bonus for each Rank
Rank Total commission (PHP/month) % Advance Exclusive Silver 5,000 -< 26,000 30% Newbie 50% Silver 20,000 – 39,999 0% Gold 40,000 – < 74,999 30% Platinum 75,000 – < 149,999 50% Diamond 150,000 – < 399,999 70% Supreme >= 400,000 70% Ecomobi will finalize the Ranks on the seventh (7th) monthly based on the Total Commission of last month (month T-1). The Bonus will be applied to the current month (T).
- New Influencers (Newbies) are Influencer who joined Ecomobi for less than 3 months (from the day of signing up)
- Pending commission: Commission for orders with the unknown delivery status. If the order is successfully delivered after receiving the verification from the platform, the pending commission for this order will be converted into Approved Commission. If the order is refunded or canceled, the pending commission for this order will be converted into Rejected Commission.
- Estimated Approved Commission (EAC): Commission for orders with the temporary complete status before the validation process. Very high chance of being converted into Approved Commission after the validation process (85%).
- Rejected commission: Commission for orders with refunded or canceled status after the validation process, Influencers will not receive this commission.
- Approved commission: Commission for order with successful delivery status after the validation process, and will be converted from Pending Commission to Estimated Approved Commission; this is also the commission that Influencer will receive after the validation process.
- EPC: Commission for each click. This will be a measurement of your work efficiency. (EPC = Total Commission / Total clicks)
- Before the Validation process:
- Total Commission (TC) = Pending commission + Estimated Approved Commission (EAC)
- After the Validation process:
- Total Commission (TC) = Approved commission + Rejected commission
- Estimated Commission Approval Rate (ECAR): The rate of approved commission after the validation process based on historical data of the last 3 months.